10 days of movement & writing for creative humans who are seeking clarity and direction (without being so heady!)

Virtual + Self-Paced - Join From Anywhere!




or keep scrolling to read all the details!

(Cost includes a full month of our membership with access to on-demand dance classes and community. Keep it going after this month or cancel anytime!)


You have questions about your life. 

You have a body. 

You have a creative side of your brain. 

…Let’s get them working together! 

Because sure, you can try to figure things out and write out pros and cons lists and discuss everything with your best friend and your barista and increase your anxiety because of how much you’re thinking, but is that really getting you where you want to go?! 

Dancing, in a creative, self-expressive, intentional, and authentically-you way, has the power to bring real change and clarity to our lives. 

After all: 

Dance is a language of physical exercise that sparks new brain cells (neurogenesis) and their connections. These connections are responsible for acquiring knowledge and thinking.
— Judith Lynne Hanna, PhD, author of Dancing to Learn

The purpose of this series is to give you the structure, accountability, and direction to get moving and writing every day so that you can feel more embodied, expressed, clear, and courageous in your body and in your life. 

The best part is, you’ll also be connected to a creative community, so that you don’t have to feel isolated or lost in your own process. 

  • get out of your head and any patterns of stuck thinking

  • get clarity, direction, and momentum on your creative path

  • get connected with other creative humans to inspire and boost each other


“i became more creative and authentic.”

It felt like there was more of a bridge between my head, my heart, my gut. IT WAS WONDERFUL TO SEE HOW MY QUESTIONS CHANGED.

- Maria


here’s how it works: 

  • 1 kick off session (1 hour) to guide you in a process of making space to reflect, gather your energy, and redirect it towards what matters

  • 10 daily prompts to get you dancing and writing daily, delivered through our digital dance portal or mobile app

  • 1 closing session (1 hour) for accountability and helping you to implement next steps

  • An online community where you can share, process, and connect with other creative humans on a similar path 

  • Access to our full dance library and membership for the month (or longer if you’d like to continue!) This year, we’re including membership access so that you can continue dancing and creating with us after the 10 day course is over. You’re free to cancel after the course, or continue on as a member to join our September live classes and more!

You’ll dance it out. 

You’ll write it out. 

You’ll be surprised and delighted by what comes through you creatively. 

You’ll connect with other humans on the deep level you’ve been craving. 

You’ll step outside of your life and routine so that you can step into yourself. Fully. Freely. Authentically.

There’s nothing to lose but the tormenting thoughts that are blocking your true expression and inner wisdom.

Sign up today for $39 and get access to this experience and community that will rock your world.


(Cost includes a full month of our membership with access to on-demand dance classes and community. Keep it going after this month or cancel anytime!)


I love the intuitive way in which Jess led us. She created a space in which I was able to connect to my heart and to an inner truth that I hadn’t yet realized until that point in the workshop. Ever since, things have been concretizing in big ways and my creative life is blossoming. Jess, you’re a somatic genius!
— Melissa Guttman, Voice Coach, NYC


But I’m not a dancer - is that ok? 

Yes, that’s totally ok! I personally will argue that everyone is a dancer, but we don’t have to get into that here. All you need is a desire and willingness to dance and move your body. You don’t need “training” or previous dance experience. There won’t be any fancy flip moves to learn, and I certainly won’t make you do anything you’re not comfortable with. (That would be weird.)

But I am a dancer - is that ok? 

Oh yes! Dancer-dancers welcomed, too. You might be worried this will be beneath your technical capabilities, and it probably will be. But this workshop isn’t about technique. There are plenty of other places you can go to get a good contemporary-jazz class in. This experience is about helping you undo whatever you’ve learned that’s stopping you from fully trusting yourself and your truth - both on the dancefloor and in life. 

Who’s leading this and why should I trust her? 

Oh, hi! I’m Jess. Almost forgot to introduce myself. Though I was once a shy, obedient ballerina who followed dance steps like a technical machine, I now dance freely in public and performative contexts. From holding up a “DANCE WITH ME” sign in a busy airport lobby, to being stuck on stage with no music in front of an audience of 200 people, I’ve learned a thing or two about what it means to trust yourself through dance. And the more I do it, the more authentic, fulfilling, and exciting my life, career and relationships have gotten. My full bio is here if you’re curious!

Will you do this again? Why should I sign up now? 

This course is becoming an annual tradition each August, so if you miss it now, you’ll have to wait a whole year. August is the perfect time to reflect and slow down and be with your creative self. From ancient pagan holidays to seasonal practices that still exist across many cultures, August has traditionally been the time of year to take stock and get clarity before the fall harvest. 

If you have other questions that haven’t been answered here, please email me at

Grab your spot now - because you know you won’t actually do it tomorrow. Now is the time. 


(Cost includes a full month of our membership with access to on-demand dance classes and community. Keep it going after this month or cancel anytime!)


I took my first ever dance course with Jess! It was called “Dance Into Your Answers”, and it was life-changing on many levels. First, I realized that I CAN dance, despite holding limiting beliefs my whole life that dancers were tiny and petite. I also loved the format of the class—improv was combined with journaling and movement. I left with an answer that I had been wondering about for a long time—whether or not to scrap my second book and forget the whole project, or whether to revamp the idea and move forward. I am now reworking that book—and my experiences from this class will be featured in chapter one! I am grateful for the creative work Jess continues to do with her clients, and I’m looking forward to dancing again.
— M. Shannon Hernandez, NYC, Founder of the The Writing Whisperer

I haven’t taken dance class in a LONG time. I had no idea how much stuff from the past was in the way. Dancing with Jess is so much more than just dancing. She walks the path of what she teaches. She lives her creativity and gives all of us permission to do the same.
— Emily Whyte, Actor, Alexander Teacher, M.AmSat