jess grippo

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i decided who i wanted to be...


i decided who i wanted to be ...

and then I changed my mind, and then I went back to what I originally wanted to be, and then the universe showed me what I'm really meant to be, and then every once in awhile I started to feel like I was being who I truly am, and then it started to happen more often, and then I needed a side job, and then I felt like I was doing too many things, and then I realized that I'm still who I am, and then I stopped thinking and just danced, and then I started getting more opportunities to be who I am, and it's all still a process, and I'm still learning who I am, so I don't know how to end this ...

and that is who i am.

(or something like that.)

Does anyone relate?


*Not intended to put down the author or supporters of the original quote

More where this came from:
{ insta summer }

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{ august + your creative soul }

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