time for a fresh start

santa barbara  

Let out a big sigh, creative one.


Are you ready for a fresh start?

Ready to lighten up your load?


Sometimes all it take is some focused intention.



When was the last time you sat down and talked about your dreams?

When was the last time you really listened to your heart and soul?


These words: “dreams,” “heart,” “soul,” can sound very cheesey. Words reserved for 9 year old girls with bedazzled headbands, maybe, or the next meeting of the woo-woo club.


But what if those words were actually applicable to YOU?


This weekend, I encourage you to try them on.


Make time and space for yourself, or gather with a group of close friends, and do the following:


  • On one piece of paper, write out all the crap you’re sick and tired of - the situations or behaviors that are draining you.


  • Put on a piece of music that stirs your emotions, and dance with this piece of paper until you’re ready to rip it up and throw it away.


  • Then, take another piece of paper, write down the question, “Dear Heart & Soul of mine, what is it that you truly want?” Then free-write from the perspective from your heart and soul about your DREAM, i.e. the vision of what you truly want for yourself and for the world.


  • Share this letter out loud - either with the group you’re in, or if you’re doing the exercise solo, call someone up or post it below in the comment box ;)


  • Then go play, have fun, be yourself to the max. Don’t take it all so seriously.


Tomorrow happens to be a significant astrological event - the New Moon in Sagittarius - which, according to Mystic Mama, is “a time of aligning with our deepest truth and having the courage to move, express and create from our center.”


Go with that feeling!


You have the power to create what you want.


Tell me in the comments below what you're ready to shake off, and what your heart and soul are really craving right now. 


I’ll leave you with something I wrote earlier this month while the sun was setting over the ocean. Use any part of it as an affirmation for yourself if it applies, and if not, please write your own.

sunset in santa barbara

I believe in myself.

I believe in my ability to create life and beauty and joy and abundance and health and a meaningful imprint on this planet.

I believe in the power of creativity and artistic expression.

I believe in this earth, I believe in the moon.

I believe in a universal connection to something greater.

I believe in dance.

believing in you,


an exercise for finding clarity


We’re at the midpoint of the year and approaching a full moon tomorrow. In honor of that, I have a fun assignment for you:


Think back to where you were on January 1st of this year. If you keep a journal or have a calendar or planner, dive in and dig up that date to jog your memory.


What were your goals and aspirations back then?

Are you living up to them now?

What has shifted?


Disclaimer: This is not about judging yourself for not sticking to resolutions or getting down on yourself for not doing more.


This is about clarity.


It’s the perfect time to launch into the fullness of what you desire.

It’s the perfect time to let go of any remaining shackles that are holding you back.


You can’t do either unless you’re clear and honest with yourself about what’s happening now.


Get your notebook out and do some writing.

Put on music and dance off whatever is holding you back.


If you’re in NYC, hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow where we can dance and write together.


If I don’t see you tomorrow, let me know how I can help:

Leave a reply in the comments below and tell me:

  • what you’re wanting most in your life right now
  • what are the things holding you back.

Remember, clarity opens doors.


And in keeping with this theme, I’ll leave you with a Creative Fridays post from January, in hopes that it reminds you of your truth.


Keep creating your life or something else will create it for you.

with moonlit messages,


to the ones in the trenches

This one goes out to the ones in the trenches. The ones pushing wheelchairs, changing diapers, caregiving, trying to keep up with work and bills, running on little sleep.


This one goes out to the ones who feel cheated of the time and resources to do the wild and creative things they used to dream of, the ones who put their own spotlight on hold to help someone else shine.


Here’s a message for you:


Know that you are seen, you are appreciated, you are loved.


Know that your whole life is a work of art.

While you may not have time to do “artistic” things - while you may not have time to do much of anything but the basics - you are still a creation in process, as well as a muse.


Let yourself express however you can.

Sob when you need to, sing loudly in the car, laugh whenever possible.

Treasure the in-between moments. That time is yours.

Listen to music.

Seek beauty amidst the pain.

See your own beauty.



And if you need something, please ask.



We never know what the cycles of life will bestow on us.

Spring is often a time of loss and change and renewal.


If you’re in a rough spot, know that it’s part of a larger cycle and it won’t last forever. Take in the words above.

If you’re relatively ok, celebrate and utilize your time and freedom. Instead of feeling guilty, own it. You’ll be able to share and help others so much more when you are doing what you need to do for yourself.


Don’t wait another day to do something you love or tell someone they are loved.


Share this with someone who needs to hear it.

And share your comment below.


dancing through the cycles,



p.s. happy birthday, mom! you inspire me.

3 steps to getting out of a rut

Remember last week when I dished something really personal about my love life?


Well now I’m here to share about the aftermath of that experience. The crash, so to speak.


For me it’s been a combo of:


jet lag

jury duty

rainy cold weather

not making time to dance

and feeling a “vulnerability hangover,” as Brene Brown calls it.


It leaves me feeling lethargic, unmotivated and scared to re-engage with the world.

It makes me delay writing this post to you until the very last minute.

It makes me want to watch the complete second season of New Girl (my latest Netflix obsession) by tonight.

It’s not pretty, but it’s real.

This “blah” feeling often happens after a big success or a big moment of putting oneself out there. Whether you get praise or punches or a combination of both, the aftermath is usually when the inner critical voices come lurking:

“You shouldn’t have said so much. People will not like you.”

“You could’ve done better.”

“You’ll never do something cool again, so just stop trying.”

Sometimes there aren’t even words involved, it’s the just “blah” feeling that overtakes everything and even makes getting out of bed feel like a chore.

Here’s what I think about it:

It’s part of the natural cycle of life to have ups and downs. If you feel awesome and put yourself out there in a big way, you might have a moment of retraction after.

I think it’s ok to feel “blah” but if it becomes a habit or lasts too long, then there are a few things you can do:

1. Reach out to friends. The simple act of calling someone up to talk about stuff can be so freeing. Knowing you’re not alone. Remembering the world is wider than your little bubble of blah.

2. Ease your way into movement. You may not feel motivated enough to hit up a dance party, but maybe doing a yoga video at home would loosen up your body and get you out of your head. Long walks with a great playlist can be equally amazing.

3. Channel your feelings into art. Making something or taking in creative inspiration are fabulous ways to get out of a rut. Experiment and do something with yourself. Cut out stuff from magazines and make a collage. Draw something. Write a poem. Make a dance. Go to a museum. Surround yourself with creativity and you’re bound to find an opening within yourself.

And don’t forget, I’m here for you.

Tell me how you’re doing in the comments below, or better yet set up a complimentary phone consultation to talk in more depth about what you’re going through how I could be of support.

You might feel alone, but I assure you, you’re not.

So if you happen to be commiserating today in the blah-blah zone, high-five!

I think you’re great.

to rolling with the hills and valleys,


p.s. Since sometimes dance videos can make everything feel better, here’s one that I hope will make you smile. (It’s certainly helping me today!)

a 5-minute exercise to overcome procrastination


I canceled plans tonight to have a creative date with myself. And with you - if you happen to be reading this in real time.


I went through all kinds of procrastination and avoidance this week, with a fair amount of dancing in the park mixed in, only to end up here. Doing what I’ve wanted to do all week.



I’ve heard it said that the tasks we feel most resistant to are the tasks most important to us and our soul’s growth.


Does that feel true to you?


If you’ve been resisting something, acknowledge it this weekend. And then just face it. One step at a time.


If you need a boost in the direction of action, I invite you to take a dance break with me.

Whether or not you consider yourself a “dancer,” shaking it around to music for 5 minutes is a powerful remedy for most challenges - especially those that involve boredom, frustration, self-pity, and procrastination.


So get off your butt and join me. Right now or first thing tomorrow morning. Your pick.


Here’s the link:

Do your dance, then take time to free-write for a few minutes on whatever it is that’s clogging up your brain waves.


Report in below what you discover.


According to astrological sources, under the influence of yesterday’s full moon, “You are being asked to dream, meditate and be creative.”


The moon never lies.


Follow her lead.


with you in the process,



p.s. Ready for more forward motion in your creative life and beyond? Check out my new 7-day Creativity Cleanse and let's get this party started!

have you been chasing dreams for too long?

noteA note to the old you:

[Cue the sad violin music now.]

I know, life is hard sometimes.

It can seem like your circumstances hold you back: your job, your living situation, your health, your parents, your finances, to name a few.

It can seem like those around you have it so easy and somehow they get their ideas and dreams out there with no struggle.

It can feel isolating, confusing. Maybe even depressing.

I know you’ve wanted to give up many times.

I know you’ve told yourself something like: “But there’s not enough time or resources to really do what I want.” “If only I had the luxury to focus on my dreams!” [Sigh.....]

Hold it right there. Stop the violins.

Woe is not you.

It’s time to stop living from the past. It’s time to focus on the power that lies within you. The real you. 

Tomorrow happens to be a New Moon in the sign of Gemini, which marks the perfect turning point for evaluating what’s holding you back from your dreams and then giving you the springboard for inspired action, new ideas and connections.

Take a moment right now to connect back into yourself -

  • What dreams have you been holding back?
  • What do you desire most? What’s the vision you have for yourself?

Whatever it is, your vision is real and I want you to see it clearly. The hopes and dreams you carry deep inside are meant to make their way to the surface. You don’t have to hide any longer.


So let me talk to the real you now:

And I speak from experience -

I’ve done my share of hiding, of blaming others for holding me back.

I’ve also done my share of stepping out into the spotlight, little by little, despite all the emotions it triggers. And because of those small steps, I’ve experienced incredible transformation and growth over the past few years. (In case you didn’t know me back then, the old me of a few years ago was not writing a blog, performing and dancing regularly, or teaching Flashdance-inspired dance classes.)

Creative Fridays has been my platform for sharing this journey in hopes that it inspires you on yours. For the past 70 weeks (yes I actually calculated that) I’ve been writing to you weekly and hearing back from you stories of struggle and hope and gratitude for the connection this community brings to your creative expression.  And in all this time, I’ve never felt such an urgency building up, such a call to take action and make things happen!


This is where you come in:

If you’re reading this email and feeling a YES, it means that you’re also riding this wave of urgency and expansion and you know it’s time to step into yourself more fully. 

I happen to have a few spots open in my creative coaching experience The Thriving Artist’s Program which is a bridge for making your dreams a reality. It’s a chance to take things off email for a change and really dig into what’s longing to transform in your life and creativity.

Because of how extremely jazzed I am about this, knowing what a difference it could make in your life, I’m opening up 9 spots for a complimentary Creative Guidance Session with me. Next Friday is the deadline to sign up.

We can talk via phone or skype, so it really doesn’t matter where you live. What matters most is that you feel ready to take action and that you desire a shift.

What you’ll get is a 30-minute space focused on you, time to talk through what’s been holding you back, what you see possible for yourself, and the path we could take to help you get there more gracefully. I might even teach you a new dance move.

All you have to do is message me and say “Let’s do this.”  I’ll respond as soon as I can and get you set up.

If you feel those doubts creeping in, if the violin starts playing in the background as you gradually drift away into the old, scared you who doesn’t think there’s enough and worries too much....


You got this.

The real magic-makers of the world don’t wait for someone to hand them the luxury of time and space and money to make sh*t happen. They just start acting as if they already have exactly what they need and let it go from there.

If you don’t see it in yourself, I will.

Email me now and let’s talk so I can say “told you so” when your dreams become doable. (It’s always fun being right, isn’t it? ;)

to riding the wave of possibility, jess

p.s. I’ll leave you with a song from one of my favorite artists that I encourage you to dance to.  Listen to the words - these in particular:

We can all be free, we hold the key If we can see what we wanna be Life's never easy, you get no guarantees Why not give your all and see what you can find?- Irene Cara, “The Dream”